Solutions based on artificial intelligence

AI solutions for your company
The time is ripe!

Utilize AI assistants to intelligently manage and efficiently make your company's content discoverable through chatbots like ChatGPT and Co.

narvika brings together all content in one central place

With over 100 standardized interfaces, practically all common tools and applications can be connected to your narvika intranet.

Enhancing traditional intranet solutions with AI

Your homepage: Using AI-powered chatbots for recurring tasks

Optimizing the use of the personal homepage is crucial for a company's efficiency. By integrating narvika AI assistants and company-specific chatbots, traditional intranet features such as frequently used links, a search function, and a newsstream can be improved. Utilizing AI-powered chatbots allows for optimizing the interaction with the intranet and automating recurring tasks. This saves employees time and enables them to focus on more exciting tasks.

Intranet homepage

Simplifying everyday work and addressing the shortage of skilled workers

AI assistants, copilots, and virtual bots that work

In the modern work environment, AI assistants, copilots, and virtual bots have become indispensable. They assist employees in completing their tasks more efficiently and simplify their everyday work. narvika offers several advantages over other solutions. You can create and share unlimited free chatbots for specific use cases, allowing you to optimize specific application scenarios for your company without wasting time on prompt templates and placeholders. The solution is flexible and easily customizable for administrators (low-code) within the organization.

Chatbots und KI-Assistenten

ChatGPT and Co. GDPR-compliant

Maximum data privacy and security

The revolution of large LLMs like ChatGPT, Bard, and Co in the corporate environment has raised legitimate concerns and uncertainties. When using such solutions, it is important to maintain control over all settings and use cases. All solutions from narvika are not only available in the cloud but also on-premises, allowing you to retain full control over your data and settings. In addition to configuring the desired LLM, internal grey and blacklisting options can be used to remove or block specific content before it is submitted in the chat. With years of experience in the field of AI-based search engines, narvika has in-depth knowledge and proven expertise in handling the most sensitive data. Our expertise extends not only to the corporate sector but also to demonstrable successes in the public sector and the German healthcare system.

Why narvika? Grey & Blacklisting

narvika solutions and services based on AI

The narvika AI solution, our focus, and our offerings

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License-free and for self-installation: AI assistants, prompt templates, and copilots for customized business processes.

The availability of AI assistants, prompt templates, and copilots allows companies of all sizes to optimize their business processes and stay competitive. It is important to incorporate these tools into the company's strategy to increase productivity and efficiency.

  • AI assistants are intelligent programs that automate repetitive tasks and support employees in completing their daily tasks. They can, for example, answer emails, schedule appointments, or analyze data. By taking over these time-consuming tasks, they enable employees to focus on more challenging tasks.
  • Prompt templates are pre-designed templates for common business scenarios. They facilitate the creation of documents, reports, or presentations as they include structured and professional content. By using these templates, companies save time and ensure consistent and high-quality results.
  • Copilots are tools that assist employees in performing complex tasks. They provide step-by-step guidance to ensure tasks are performed correctly. These tools are particularly useful for new employees or for tasks that are rarely performed.
  • The AI-optimized homepage in the company provides a central hub for employees to quickly access relevant information, tools, and support through AI assistants. It promotes efficiency, improves communication, and enables optimized workflow for the entire team.
At a fixed price: AI training courses and workshops for the specific implementation.

Our AI training courses provide concrete knowledge about AI technologies and their application. ChatGPT is one possible focus, but we also cover other AI technologies. We raise awareness among your employees about the safe handling of data that needs to be considered when using AI technologies. In addition to conveying fundamentals in prompt engineering, we also present potential use cases. Upon request, we can customize the content and, for example, demonstrate possible integration options while considering the relevant data protection regulations of your company.

In our customized AI workshops, we specifically address the implementation of AI technologies in your company or department. Our license-free <> chatbots are tailored to the specific requirements of your company and can be installed in your company's data center to immediately create value. We take into account individual requirements, technical aspects, data protection requirements, and organizational measures to enable a quick and cost-effective entry into the working world with AI.

Chat with corporate content, AI knowledge management with smart search, and sophisticated chatbot development.
  • In a real company chat, we integrate your company content from various data sources into the chat conversation. We ensure that all authorization concepts and internal data protection regulations are respected.
  • With our AI knowledge management with smart search, we ensure that the knowledge existing in your company is optimally utilized and made discoverable. Using advanced AI techniques beyond traditional language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, we analyze and structure your data and content to make them searchable, regardless of where and in what format they are stored. This enables efficient information retrieval and facilitates employee access to the required knowledge.
  • When it comes to the development of sophisticated chatbots, we go beyond simple question-answer functionalities. We focus on developing intelligent and conversational chatbot systems that can handle and automate complex business processes.

Our chat solutions, AI knowledge management with smart search, and sophisticated chatbot development offer companies a unique opportunity to relieve employees, counteract the shortage of skilled workers, and increase productivity.


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Discover the capabilities of our pre-configured chatbots and AI assistants! With reduced employee interactions, we generate the desired output with high quality and in less time. Contact us now for an online demo!

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